Transition period for the third Weapons Law Amendment Act ends on September 1, 2021
As a result of the implementation of the EU Firearms Directive, certain firearms, weapon parts and magazines were banned or made subject to a permit requirement with the "Third Weapons Law Amendment Act" of February 17, 2020. The obligation to register does not apply to old decommissioned weapons that were deactivated before June 28, 2018. Individual parts of these weapons are also not subject to registration as long as they remain part of an old decommissioned weapon. This reporting obligation only comes into effect when the weapon changes hands (e.g. inheritance, sale, etc.). Owners of new decommissioned weapons (from 28 June 2018), salute weapons (conversions of real firearms to weapons that use cartridge ammunition) can still hand them in to the police until 1 September 2021 or have their possession legalized by reporting them to the weapons authority. Arrow launchers (crossbows are excluded) are also subject to registration until September 1, 2021.
Gütersloh District Police Department

Due to the implementation of the EU Firearms Directive, certain firearms, weapon parts and magazines were banned or made subject to a permit requirement with the "Third Weapons Law Amendment Act" of 17 February 2020. The reporting obligation does not apply to old decommissioned weapons that were deactivated before June 28, 2018. Individual parts of these weapons are also not subject to the reporting requirement as long as they remain part of an old decommissioned weapon. This reporting obligation only comes into effect when the weapon changes hands (e.g. inheritance, sale, etc.). Owners of new decommissioned weapons (from 28 June 2018), salute weapons (conversions of real firearms to weapons that use cartridge ammunition) can hand them in to the police until 1 September 2021 or have their possession legalized by reporting them to the weapons authority. Arrow launchers (crossbows are excluded) are also subject to registration until September 1, 2021.

Owners of salute weapons who do not yet have a gun ownership card can still apply for one from the weapons authority until 1 September 2021. Salute weapons are generally subject to authorization and may only continue to be possessed if a need is proven. This need is recognized in particular if the saluting weapon(s) is/are required for theatrical performances, photo, film or television recordings or for participation in cultural events or events for the preservation of customs.

Magazines for long guns with a capacity of more than 10 rounds and magazines for handguns with a capacity of more than 20 rounds are prohibited unless they were purchased before 13 June 2017. For magazines purchased after the cut-off date and for parts of firearms (barrels of long guns, all parts of the breech), an exemption permit can be applied for from the Federal Criminal Police Office until 01.09.2021.

The possession of firearms that are subject to the permit requirement is still illegal without a corresponding firearms permit and is therefore punishable by law.

For further information, please contact the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community: https://www.bmi.bund.de/SharedDocs/pressemitteilungen/DE/2021/08/waffenrecht.html

Weapon owners from the district of Gütersloh can contact the responsible weapons authority by email if they have any questions about the regulations: Waffenrecht.Guetersloh [at] polizei.nrw.de



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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110