General information on the assembly system

General information on the assembly system
Information on the right of assembly

The free and democratic basic order essentially includes the right to freedom of expression and the right to assemble peacefully and without weapons in the open air.

What if I want to register an assembly?

Assemblies, processions and demonstrations are regulated by the Basic Law and the Assembly Act.

The state of NRW has had its own Assemblies Act (VersG NRW) since January 7, 2022.

If you wish to register an open-air assembly in the district of Gütersloh, please contact:

The district administrator as
Gütersloh district police authority
Directorate Central Tasks
Department ZA 1.1
Herzebrocker Straße 142
33334 Gütersloh
Telephone: 05241 869-2234
Telefax: 05241 869-2249
Email: Poststelle.Guetersloh [at] (Poststelle[dot]Guetersloh[at]polizei[dot]nrw[dot]de)

To do this, please use the form on the right-hand side "Registration of a public assembly/elevator in the open air" and send it completed by post, fax or e-mail to the above address, observing the 48-hour deadline.

For the sake of simplicity, please also arrange an appointment for a cooperation meeting with the ZA 1.1 department - telephone 05421 869 - 2234 if necessary. In this meeting, all questions arising in connection with a planned event can be discussed and clarified.

The form for registering an assembly or an open-air procession can be found on the right-hand side.

(Note: If you intend to send the form electronically, select the PDF printer!)



Assemblies and processions must always be registered 48 hours before public announcement.
The police then have a duty to facilitate and possibly even protect assemblies, processions and demonstrations of any grouping as an expression of the constitutionally guaranteed freedom of assembly and freedom of opinion.

The police must maintain neutrality, a political evaluation of the demonstration topics may not take place. An assembly or demonstration is not approved by the police.

It can only be banned or made subject to certain conditions if there is a concrete threat to public safety or order based on comprehensible forecasts.

Further information on the right of assembly can be found on our state pages.

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110